02 February 2009

Monday Monday...

Helloooooooooo (spoken in true Seinfeld fan-ness)

Today I sat on my bed, looked at YouTube, and Facebook, and did homework, and ate a grilled cheese sandwich. It was a great day. I literally was in bed all day, except for the half hour it took to shower and get ready for school, and 3 hours where i drove to school, had class, and then drove back. I love being home alone, no one judges me for doing all of my school work while in my pajamas and wrapped up in a blanket (which is the best way btw).

I made my SLS video... it's not my best, but I had just woken up when I filmed it only because I needed the rest of the day to procrastinate about my homework that was due at five pm. Here is a link :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAAu2mtwYjw

I also had a dorkus moment when I realized that when you enter a link into twitter now it automatically makes it a tinyurl--which is awesome.

On my way home I considered buying a bottle of wine since I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be one of those days... but was lazy again and didn't feel like going into the supermarket for only a bottle of alcohol and sweedish fish. People look at you strange when you do that.

Ok, so I will chat with you later... most likely tomorrow :)
<3 JJ

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