19 September 2009

Head under water and you tell me to breath easy for awhile...

I am way too old to be living here. I am becoming a whiney teenager again. I want to be able to do what I want. I want to cook my own food. I want to clean my own house. I want to decorate the way I want. I want to organize my kitchen in a LOGICAL way. My frustrations with living here are killing my relationship with my parents. It was different when I moved back in. I helped out, was happy, didn't mind because I wasn't going to be living here for more than 6 months... it's been 18 months... i'm still here.

I do need to stop whining though. My parents don't think I can take care of my own place. I can. They only see the part of me that sleeps in until 8am on Saturdays and likes to relax in the morning and do work in the afternoon. I have to get up early every day (and so do they), but urgh.. i feel like i'm whining over things that I should be thankful for. And I am. but I still need a change.

Basically I am a whiney little girl.

Comments/criticism/insight/etc... are welcome.

<3 JJ

Love Song -Four Year Strong (Punk Goes Pop vol.2)

1 comment:

  1. you sleep until 8 am on Saturdays!! BAD JENJEN!!

    I thought you were moving into you're grandma's house soon. Maybe this shall help?
