30 October 2009


I am going to attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Crazy right!?!

Though the whole idea of NanoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is to accomplish the 50,000 mark, for me it's more the goal of actually writing something. I've always enjoyed writing. I've always thought I was a pretty good writer/grammar freak. It kind of freaks me out to think that I could possibly do this. But I suppose we have to confront our fears.. or do things that scare us... or something to that effect... in order to grow and learn and figure out who we are a little bit more.

I know that my friends Deanna and Jon are also doing NaNo this year (w00t!), bu if any of you are writers, aspiring authors, or feel like tackling the impossible this November, please join me as I try to accomplish this.

One thing that will be my savior as well as a huge annoyance in this is the fact that you can't go back and edit stuff. December is for editing. I'll have to let my ill-punctuated, wordy, and all of those run-on sentences (that made sense when I thought them but are now 4 lines long and don't make sense at all) hover over my head for an entire month until finally in December I can make it readable. In fact, the previous sentence is bothering me for all of it's pieces and awkward parenthesis. If I were allowed to edit while writing this in November, I would never get anywhere close to 50K words.


Add me as a friend! I'm JenJen212 on there. :)

Also.. I'm going to the NaNoWriMo kick-off meeting later today. I'm interested in seeing who else shows up. (It's just at Tim Horton's)

<3 Jen

oh.. PS: Say Anything's new album comes out next week. You should buy it. Max Bemis is amazing!

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