18 October 2009

Hanson Road Trip 2009: the extended edition. Part 1

I have got to write this down. If I don't I may forget the amazing-ness of the trip and I don't ever want to forget.. so here goes :)

Lets see how many Hanson references I can randomly scatter throughout this post... a prize to the person who can guess the most. :) ready???? set??? go!!!!

4:30 am WAKE UP

I, of course, had done no packing whatsoever at this point, and miraculously gathered everything and was ready to leave at 5:30 when Cindy arrived. I cannot explain how amazing it is to have IRL Hanson friends. Texting and AIM are great, but having Deanna and now Cindy around make me feel like less of a dork for knowing all the words to every song they ever thought about recording... and having half of my external hard drive dedicated to videos and photos and music of my favorite band... because they do too (especially Cindy).

5:30 am GET UP AND GO!

Drove to Kittery, shopped a lot, bought a red jacket (this is important), drove to Wonderland, parked the car, walked a very long way & bought Charlie Cards. <3

10:30 am IN THE CITY

By this time we were quite excited. I was more excited to be in Boston than anything else at this point. I don't really get 'Hanson excited' until they're standing in front of me. I owe my expertise on navigating the Boston public transport system to Brittany and Deanna, and we got to Fenway in about a half hour. There was a man selling stuff at Government Center and singing random songs. I blame him for my having Billie Jean stuck in my head for the majority of the day. Great song in general... not such a great song to sing under your breath while walking past the amazing boys of Steel Train and HelloGoodbye. :/

We didn't actually know where anything was in Boston.. just that the Kenmore Station was the Station for Fenway. When we asked the bus station attendant where the House of Blues was she responded "next to Fenway"... to which I had to respond "...and which way is Fenway?" *facepalm. I researched everything on the journey except the actual destination... go me!


We eventually made it to the HOB (after doing a complete loop around Fenway) and saw *yay!* TOUR BUSSES! I love those busses. I want to someday have one and go on tour and get to sleep in those teeny bunks and have a messed-up sleep schedule from playing shows every night and doing crazy random stuff... If I don't become a singer I need to marry a musician or something. but I digress....

I was hungry. Cindy was hungry. We had passed a cute Mexican place on the same block as the HOB, so we walked back to eat some lunch. HGB walked in front of us when we passed their bus again... I said hi to Forrest.. he said hi back... I fangirled a little.

We ate our food (outside so we could watch the boys unpack their busses and walk around), it was yum, Travis Head walked by us and got take out from our restaurant. While Cindy was inside HGB and half of Steel Train walked by me.. I talked to them again... :) It's weird how shy I get around people who are in bands that I like. But once I get past the first conversation I'm good to go in the future (example - Isaac Hanson last year -- I no longer get tounge-tied while talking to Hansons... score). Also--super cute waiter (more about him later).


We lined up for the walk... pretty standard procedure (for me anyway). Guess what--the boys were late (no surprise there). But what people hadn't told us what that they were doing walk registrations first this time around and we hadn't yet. So everyone who had registered went to the other side of the street while we all waited to fill out our little cards. Zac and Ike walked out of the venue right in front of us as we were writing out or emails and such. :D Cindy didn't even finish filling hers out.

dun dun dunnn... to be continued :)

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