09 June 2009


I was late for work today. 53 minutes late to be exact.

...I thought these words while I was en-route to said work and waiting at a stop light. I plotted out a novel about analogies between waiting at lights, for someone else to tell you you can go, how frustrating it is when you know that you could go, but not being able to. Basically wrote the first paragraph in my head on the way to work (an entire mile and a half from the spot where inspiration struck).

This thing that's annoying is that this happens to me a lot and I never write them down. Maybe I'll start this one. I have so many beginnings of stories... but no endings. Maybe that's a cool way to write. Let someone else imagine the ending. Books rarely wind up the way we envision or want anyway.

Ya, so I'm going to make myself write today. Haven't written fiction in ages. It's been 7 years since Kait and I stopped writing our novel....

Ok.. enough blabbering...


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