28 June 2009

in leu of a sassy video...

...i have blogged :)

And shall do this again for my Monday video tomorrow, just so ya know.

Never Have I Ever... worked in retail.

I've been house-sitting for my Aunt and Uncle, so I haven't talked to you guys in awhile. Lets start off with some chicken adventures...

I've been taking care of some chickens for the past week and a half. This sounds easy. I expected it to be easy. I did not expect to have to move their coops everyday in a constant rain storm. This has dampened the joy of moving huge wooden coops by hand every day (pun intended).

We had a casualty on Friday. It was gross. Ethan came over and took care of it for me. He is amazing.

In other news, I have been going to the gym regularly and am kind of loving it. For some reason, I am more motivated to work out and eat healthy when I am not around my family. They're all just a little to concerned about the way that I look and am always talking about how much I weigh (which isn't a lot, but they're all skinny people with fantastic metabolisms and I've got some curvage going on). This isn't to say that I hate the way I look, but I would like to be a bit healthier, and the constant pressure at home is ironically counterproductive. Yet another reason to get my own apartment.

I have yet to start reading our book. Mainly because when I went to Borders to buy it I bought 3 other books as well and just finished one of other ones I bought. I am going to start though right after I finish this post. :)

I don't know how many fingers I have left, but will count again and have a number for you soon. I am losing a lot.

Exciting Hanson-related things are going on. Including a fall tour (dates coming *soon), the release of their documentary Strong Enough to Break (SETB), and a re-design of their website. I'm excited :)

OK, talk to you all tomorrow!

<3 JJ

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