28 August 2009

i ran into your best friend today...

SO..... I missed blogging, so I decided that I would 'blog every day september' (BEDS is an odd acronym... we may need to brainstorm a better name for this endeavor).

If you're new to my blog, my titles are normally the first line to a song that is currently playing on my iTunes (and I post the song and artist at the end too).

Notable things about today...

-it is so cold in my office... so very cold
-peesemould is teasing me about having nothing to do at work while I am freezing my butt off formatting excel spreadsheets.
-I got 3 older HNet membership kits yesterday and have been listening to them on a loop for most of the day (thus the title)
-...& NYC Sunday :) We're leaving at midnight on Saturday, it's going to be epic!

I don't feel particularly witty today, so I wont ever try to be clever.

<3 JJ

Lost Without Each Other (Hanson)

15 August 2009

i love my nana

I am beyond excited. Well... that's not true. I will be beyond excited in about
3 months. I am house sitting for my grandmother (who lives in a brand new house next door) while she is in Florida from January until mid-April. She stopped by today to talk about when I will move in.... which will be in 3 months...November.. woot! So I'm going to try to pack some stuff slowly and organize my stuff so it can be moved quickly over there preferably by myself alone, because I really don't need to hear about how I have too much stuff. I have it because I use it!

This is a good thing for a multitude of reasons:
1. living by myself!!!!!
2. YouTube video recording will no longer be awkward and require no one to be in the house.
3. Music can be played at a level of rocking out.. not a level i like to call "just turn it off, 'cause it's so quiet I can't even hear the words".
3. Living in a gorgeous brand new house.
4. Friends can visit me after 8:30 and not have to be quiet because people are sleeping.
5. Maybe I can actually start dating more (living with your parents and dating is exponentially more awkward when you're 23).

Oh.. also... my own kitchen to cook what I want, when I want, how I want.. yummm

Bad things:
1. I still can't buy a dog
2. No internet <--- this is being fixed within the next month.
3. My parents are still right next door and have the ability to walk over in about 30 seconds / spy on me / will call me a lot. They love me, I deal with it 'cause I love them too.

My Dad is calling this my 'trial run'. I think he has forgotten that I lived by myself for 4 years at college and didn't burn down the dorm, or get pregnant, or arrested, or murdered, or not clean my room (though we have different ideas of what clean is). This bothers me... but I'll be out soon and am excited about it. I have suppressed the need to leave the nest for a very long time and it is finally screaming at me..GET OUT! GET OUT NOW! YES THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO GO.. BUT DO IT!!!!

Thank God for my Nana for understanding.

10 August 2009

to do

When I have my own apartment I will always have iced tea in the fridge. Sometimes I will make lemonade and then mix them together. I will paint the walls odd shades of blue and green. It will be perfect.

I will shovel my own walkway in the winter and watch my fair lady at 2 in the morning by myself in the summer when it's too hot to sleep.

I will have 2 dogs. They will have clever names.

I will have pictures everywhere, so I can remember my favorite moments when I'm sad.

I will have a music room with one wall covered top to bottom with the lyrics of my favorite songs.
