22 July 2010

Bucket List

Move to a different state
Own a dog
Marry a man i cannot live without
Have 4 kids
Live simply
Smell the roses (literally and figuratively)
Hug a Hanson :)
Laugh every day
Successfully have an all-nighter
Hang out with ALL of my Sullivan cousins at once
Be a good mom
Build my perfect house with a window seat
Help people
Go to Africa with TOMSshoes
Go to Cambodia on a missions trip
Be scared and not let it stop me
Be brave
Have an adventure
Go where God leads me
Listen more than I speak
Record an album
Be in love
Find out what my passion is
Get a tattoo that really means something
Be more like my Grampie
Change the world
Be changed by the world
Lose 60 lbs
Learn how to garden (also.. learn to not hate gardening)
Be a good friend
Bring someone to Christ


13 April 2010


HOLLY: what's your favorite color?
ME:  teal
HOLLY why?
ME it's calming and makes me happy
HOLLY what's your favorite animal?
ME: puppies
HOLLY why?
ME they're cute and cuddly and smell good
HOLLY what's your favorite "type" of water? like.. a pool, ocean, raindrop, bottled water, puddle, anything like that...or it can be a specific lake, pond, river, etc
ME aziscohos lake
ME i grew up there, reminds me of family, air smells good and it's beautiful
HOLLY good answers. you pass.
ME lol
how would one fail that?
Ok.. now don't scroll anymore, and do this for yourself



So.. apparently Holly was quizzing me from a thing that Kateland did at her church.
What you say about your favorite color is is supposed to be how you want other people to see you, how you describe your favorite animal is supposed to be what you want in a significant other, and how you describe the water is how you view God.
So, to put this in perspective:
I want people to see me as calm and someone who makes other people happy (which I agree with)
I want my spouse to be cute and cuddly and smell good (oh yes, 100% yes :D)
and I view God as a clean fresh-air smelling beautiful place where I grew up, and as my family (<3)
I don't cry often... but this got me a little teared up...


oh, side note... "failing this" might be possible... like saying something like this (as Ryan did):
my favorite animal is a yellow lab because it's furry...   

11 April 2010


"when you're [younger] you think the difference in you is the worst thing, and I think the older you get, you find out it's the best thing" -Ryan Murphy (talking about Glee)

05 March 2010

quote war.. i win!!!

Kateland: You are a gentleman and a scholar
Kateland: LOUD NOISES!
Me: I would like to invite you to the pants party... the party... the party in the pants
Kateland: Hahahahaha you win.  I have no comeback to top that one cuz it's my favorite
Me: A whale's vagina
Kateland: You know I don't speak Spanish!
Me: I will punch you in the baby-maker!
Kateland: You are a quote MACHINE!
Me: It's a very very old ship
Me: and I just love that movie.. haha
Kateland: 70% of the time it works every time
Me: People know me.  I'm kind of a big deal
Me: I'll take your mother out to a nice seafood dinner and never call her back!

19 February 2010


I am incapable of making an appropriate amount of popcorn.  Every time I make it I tell myself, “okay self, now last time you overflowed the pot, you don’t need all that popcorn, it just hung around for a week and you threw it away.  DO NOT cover the whole bottom!”  But I always do.  And even when i know there’s always too much in there, I figure, hey! a couple more won’t hurt right? 

So now, I sit with my normal sized bowl of popcorn, and a gigantic pot of it spontaneously popping those lonely un-popped kernels looming in the background.

Seriously, how is this a problem of mine?  I’m a grown woman, I should know how to pop a normal amount of popcorn.

Shit, I left it on the burner and it’s burning.... shit shit shit!

13 February 2010

With You In Your Dreams

He was gone when I woke up....
Today is his birthday
It's been 3 years
This song still makes me break down.

I miss you Grampie
Love, Jenny

If I'm gone when you wake up
Please don't cry
And if I'm gone when you wake up
It's not goodbye
Don't look back at this time as a time
Of heartbreak and distress
Remember me, remember me
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams

But If I'm gone when you wake up
Please don't cry
And if I'm gone when you wake up
Don't ask why
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress
Remember me, remember me
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams

And though my flesh is gone, 

I'll still be with you at all times
And although my body's gone, oh
I'll be there to comfort you at all times

I don't want you to cry and weep, oh
I want you to go on living your life
I'm not sleeping an endless sleep, oh
'Cause in your heart
You have all of our good times
Oh, all of our good times
Oh oh you have

And if I'm gone when you wake up
Don't ask why
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress
Remember me, remember me
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams